In a typical manufacturing enterprise today, operations managers are responsible for coordinating all floor operations. 如今,在一个典型的生产企业中,运营经理负责协调所有地面操作(flooroperation)。
Study on Quality Chain Management of Manufacturing Enterprise under Supply Chain Circumstances 供应链环境下加工制造企业质量链管理研究
The Logistics Capability Evaluation System of Manufacturing Enterprise 制造企业物流能力综合评价体系研究
Study for manufacturing enterprise network marketing strategy in e-commerce environment 电子商务环境下制造业企业网络营销策略研究
Inventory and Countermeasures of Chinese Engineering Machinery Manufacturing Enterprise 我国工程机械制造企业库存问题与对策
Suitable for professional motor manufacturing enterprise of mass production. 适合专业的马达生产企业大批量生产使用。
Research on Performance Evaluation Index System for Logistics Outsourcing in Manufacturing Enterprise 物流外包的制造型企业绩效评价指标体系研究
Research and Development of Manufacturing Enterprise Competitive Strength Analysis and Evaluation System 制造企业竞争能力分析及评价体系研究
Manufacturing Enterprise Information System Analyse and Design; 制造型企业信息系统分析与设计(MEISAD)
Research on Optimization of Production Business Process Reengineering for Manufacturing Enterprise ERP Based Knowledge Mining 基于知识挖掘的制造企业ERP生产流程优化研究企业再造:从业务流程再造到企业转型
Study on Lean Logistics Management Innovation and Application in Automobile Manufacturing Enterprise 汽车制造企业精益物流管理创新及应用研究
The Strategy Analysis of Informatization Construction between the Government and Textile Machinery Manufacturing Enterprise 政府和纺织机械制造企业在信息化建设中的策略分析
Research on Technology Talent Assessment System of Equipment Manufacturing Enterprise 装备制造企业技术人才测评体系研究
Research on Manufacturing Enterprise's Logistics Cost Control Model Based on Business Process 基于业务流程的制造企业物流成本控制模型研究
Ltd., is a manufacturing enterprise that specializes in high-end export standard fasteners. 是一家专业从事高端出口标准紧固件产品的制造型企业。
The Company are vertical, horizontal injection molding professional manufacturing enterprise, with strong technical force. 本公司是立式、卧式注射成型机的专业制造企业,具有雄厚的技术力量。
Study on VMI System in Manufacturing Enterprise Based on Price Contract 基于价格契约的生产制造型企业VMI系统研究
Novel ERP System Design of Manufacturing Enterprise based on Order 基于订单生产的制造企业ERP系统设计
Research on Risk Control of Outsourcing in Logistics of Household Electrical Appliance Manufacturing Enterprise 家电制造企业物流外包风险控制研究
Research of Informatization Mode for Small and Medium-sized Manufacturing Enterprise Cluster 中小型制造企业集群的信息化模式探讨
Research on Automobile Manufacturing Enterprise's Staff Career Development Management 汽车制造企业员工职业发展管理研究
Integrated Workshop Production Management System for Motorcycle Parts Manufacturing Enterprise 摩托车零部件制造企业集成化车间生产管理系统
The Applied Research of the CRM Theory in Auto Manufacturing Enterprise 汽车制造企业顾客关系管理理论的应用研究
Research on Logistics Supplier Selection of Wind Power Equipment Manufacturing Enterprise 风电装备制造企业物流供应商选择研究
Research on Pivotal Technology of ERP Base on Small and Medium Manufacturing Enterprise 面向中小型制造企业ERP关键技术研究
Research on manufacturing enterprise equipment maintenance management information system 制造型企业设备维修管理信息系统研究
Research on Logistics Rationalization of the Manufacturing Enterprise in Supply Chain Management Environment 供应链管理环境下制造企业的物流合理化研究
Research and Application of Quality Improvement for Project Manufacturing Enterprise 面向项目制造型企业的质量改进研究和应用
Jingcheng was founded in2006.It is a professional manufacturing enterprise for investment casting and machined products. 我公司成立于2006年,是专业从事各类精密铸造和机械加工产品的生产企业。
Research on Construction and Evaluation of Green Logistics System of the Manufacturing Enterprise 制造企业绿色物流体系构建及评价研究